What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (2024)

Cleaning can be a challenge, especially when ultrasonic cleaners are involved. But with the right liquid, you can easily get better and more efficient cleaning results. This definitive guide will discuss what to consider when choosing the perfect liquid for your ultrasonic cleaner – from the type of contamination you are tackling to the safety considerations. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to find the perfect liquid for your next ultrasonic cleaning job!

What are Ultrasonic Cleaners Good For?

Ultrasonic cleaners are a great way to clean delicate items or objects with small, intricate parts that require special care during the cleaning process. They are often used for medical applications such as cleaning dental and surgical instruments, but they can also be used in other industrial and commercial settings to help maintain the cleanliness of delicate machinery, electronics, jewelry, and even coins.

What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (1)

Ultrasonic cleaners use high-frequency sound waves to create millions of microscopic bubbles that gently scrub away dirt, dust, oils, and grime without causing any damage to the object being cleaned. This makes it ideal for cleaning fragile items that may not withstand aggressive scrubbing methods like hand washing or pressure washing.

The ultrasonic cleaner is also much faster than traditional cleaning methods since it uses ultrasound technology to penetrate deep into the cracks and crevices of an object in a fraction of the time.

This makes ultrasonic cleaners a great choice for those who are looking to clean difficult items quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Additionally, they can also be used to help extend the life of delicate items by removing debris from hard-to-reach places that would otherwise accumulate and cause damage to the item over time.

Ultrasonic cleaners are a great way to keep your valuable items clean without causing damage or taking up too much of your time. They offer quick, easy cleaning with very little effort and can help you maintain your delicate items in top condition for years to come [1].

How Does an Ultrasonic Cleaner Work?

Fluid Dynamics

An ultrasonic cleaner works by sending high-frequency sound waves into a liquid. This creates an effect known as cavitation, which produces millions of tiny bubbles that expand and quickly collapse around the object being cleaned.

This process is repeated rapidly, causing the liquid to move in multiple directions throughout the entire cleaning tank. When these bubbles come into contact with dirt and other contaminants on the surface of the item, they burst and send out shockwaves that dislodge particles from their surfaces. The result is a deep clean that can remove even microscopic bits of dirt and grime from difficult-to-reach places such as crevices or enclosed areas.

Chemical Action

In addition to physical agitation via fluid dynamics, many ultrasonic cleaners may also use chemical action to further enhance the cleaning process. This is accomplished by introducing a detergent or other cleaning solution into the water bath. As the bubbles burst and collapse, they create a scrubbing action that works in tandem with the fluid dynamics of cavitation to make sure that all dirt and contaminants are removed from the surface of items.

By using both physical and chemical action, ultrasonic cleaners can offer superior results to traditional cleaning methods such as brushing or wiping.

Sound Wave Technology

The sound waves used in ultrasonic cleaning are produced by a transducer, which is either attached to the bottom of the cleaning tank or suspended inside it. This component vibrates at an incredibly fast rate and creates ultrasonic frequencies that range from 20kHz to 400kHz.

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The higher the frequency, the more powerful the bubbles created by cavitation will be, allowing for deeper and more effective cleaning results.

By using specialized frequencies for different sorts of objects and materials, technicians can tailor their machines to clean all kinds of items with precision and accuracy.

Bubbles and Microbubbles

The bubbles produced by cavitation typically range from 0.1 millimeters to 5 millimeters in diameter, but ultrasonic cleaners can also produce tiny microbubbles with a size of fewer than 10 microns. These smaller bubbles are capable of penetrating the finest crevices on objects and provide an even more thorough clean than larger bubbles. By varying the frequencies of their transducers, technicians can adjust the size and intensity of the bubbles produced by their machines for different types of cleaning tasks.

Force of Cavitation

Cavitation is a powerful force that can be used to effectively clean and remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from the surfaces of items. The shockwaves created when the bubbles burst have an immense impact on even the tiniest particles, allowing them to be dislodged quickly and easily. As a result, ultrasonic cleaners can achieve impressive cleaning results in less time than traditional methods while still being gentle enough to protect delicate materials such as glass or jewelry.


The intense force of cavitation can produce localized temperatures that exceed 100°C (212°F).

This heat can help to loosen grease, oil, and other sticky substances from surfaces, making it easier for the bubbles to dislodge them. Ultrasonic cleaners use this effect to create powerful cleaning solutions without having to resort to damaging or abrasive chemicals. By harnessing the natural power of sound waves, technicians can provide efficient and effective cleaning results with minimal effort [2].

What does ultrasonic cleaning fluid contain?

What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (3)

Non-ionic surfactants

Ultrasonic cleaning fluids typically contain a variety of non-ionic surfactants. Non-ionic surfactants are compounds that reduce the surface tension between two substances, allowing them to mix more easily and creating an optimal environment for efficient ultrasonic cleaning. Common non-ionic surfactants in ultrasonic cleaning fluids include polysorbate 80, polyethylene glycol 400, polyglycerol oleate, and polypropylene glycol.

These components help create an emulsion or suspension of oil and water molecules inside the tank which helps with the effective removal of oils, dirt, particles, debris, and other contaminants from parts or surfaces being cleaned.

Anionic surfactants

Anionic surfactants are synthetic detergents that also reduce surface tension so that ultrasonic cleaning is more effective. Anionic surfactants are typically used in combination with non-ionic surfactants to create a multi-purpose cleaner for a variety of different cleaning applications.

Common anionic surfactants used in ultrasonic cleaning fluids include sodium lauryl ether sulfate, alkyl benzene sulfonates, and alkyl diphenyl oxide disulfonate.

Rust inhibitors

Rust inhibitors may also be added to ultrasonic cleaning fluids to protect metals from corrosion and oxidation during the washing process. These rust inhibitors can help prevent damage to surfaces being cleaned, as well as prolong the life of the cleaning fluid itself. Common rust inhibitors used in ultrasonic cleaning fluids include phosphates, silicates, and borates.


Ultrasonic cleaning fluids also contain various solvents which help dissolve dirt and oil from surfaces being cleaned. These solvents can be organic or mineral-based, with many containing petroleum distillates such as hexane and heptane. Other common solvents found in ultrasonic cleaners include ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate (EGMEA), and N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP).

Corrosion inhibitors

In addition to rust inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors may be added to prevent metal surfaces from corroding or pitting during the cleaning process. Common corrosion inhibitors include phosphates, silicates, borates, and phosphonates. These compounds can help protect cleaning tanks from corrosion and damage over time, as well as extend the life of the ultrasonic cleaner itself.


EDTA, or Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, is another common component of ultrasonic cleaning fluids. EDTA helps to chelate calcium and magnesium ions from hard water sources that can cause scale buildup inside cleaning tanks. This helps to prevent damage caused by mineral deposits such as corrosion and pitting on metal surfaces being washed.

What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (4)


The final components of many ultrasonic cleaning fluids are detergents. Detergents help to loosen dirt and oil particles so they can be more easily removed during the washing process.

Common detergents in ultrasonic cleaners include sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB), and triethanolamine (TEA).

These detergents help to create an effective cleaning solution that can be used on a variety of different surfaces and materials. By combining all of these components, ultrasonic cleaners can effectively clean parts and surfaces efficiently and cost-effectively.


In some cases, ammonia may also be added to ultrasonic cleaning solutions. Ammonia is a strong alkaline cleaner that can help break down stubborn oils and grease without the need for harsh solvents or abrasives. While effective, ammonia should be used sparingly in ultrasonic cleaners as it can cause damage to surfaces if used too frequently or in high concentrations.

Overall, ultrasonic cleaners are highly effective cleaning solutions for a variety of applications. By combining surfactants, rust inhibitors, solvents, corrosion inhibitors, EDTA, detergents, and other components into one solution they can effectively remove dirt and contaminants from parts and surfaces more quickly and with less effort than traditional cleaning methods [3].

Different Types of Ultrasonic Cleaning Solutions

Acidic solutions

Acidic solutions are used to remove rust and corrosion from metal parts. They work by breaking down the molecules of the rust or corrosion, allowing them to be swept away with a cleaning solution like water. Examples of acidic solutions include phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, and citric acid.

Alkaline Solutions

Alkaline solutions work by loosening up dirt, grease, oil, and other substances that may be stuck on the surface of your parts. Common alkaline cleaners include sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), and triethanolamine (TEA).

Enzymatic solutions

Enzymatic solutions are a type of cleaning solution that is made up of enzymes. These enzymes break down proteins, oils, and other organic materials into smaller molecules that can be more easily removed with a cleaning solution. This makes enzymatic solutions particularly useful for removing grease and oil from surfaces. Examples of enzymatic solutions include proteases, lipases, amylases, and cellulases.

Oxidizing Solutions

Oxidizing solutions work by breaking down molecules through the process of oxidation. This makes them ideal for removing stubborn stains from hard-to-clean surfaces like glass or ceramics. Examples of oxidizing solutions include hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and potassium permanganate.

High caustic solutions

Highustic solutions are used to effectively remove grease and oil from surfaces. These solutions contain high concentrations of alkaline compounds such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, which work by breaking down the molecules of the grease or oil on the surface. High caustic solutions should only be used on hard, non-porous surfaces as they can damage softer materials like fabrics and plastics.

Neutral solutions

Neutral solutions are designed to be gentle on surfaces and free of harsh chemicals. Many common cleaning products such as dish soap, laundry detergents, glass cleaners, and all-purpose cleaners are neutral solutions. They work by breaking down the molecules of dirt and grime so that they can be swept away with a cleaning solution like water.

Aqueous Solutions

Aqueous solutions are made up of water and other compounds such as alcohols or acids. These solutions have mild cleansing properties and can be used to clean a variety of surfaces without damaging them. Examples of aqueous solutions include window cleaners, disinfectant sprays, distilled white vinegar, and isopropyl alcohol.

Deionized water

Deionized water is water that has had its ions removed through a process known as deionization. This type of water does not contain any minerals or other substances, making it ideal for cleaning sensitive surfaces like electronics and medical equipment. Deionized water can also be used to rinse off parts after cleaning with other solutions, ensuring that no residue is left behind.

Specialized cleaning solutions

Specialized cleaning solutions are designed to tackle specific tasks. These types of solutions can be used to remove stubborn stains from fabrics or carpets, clean hard-to-reach places, and more. Examples of specialized cleaning solutions include glass cleaners, bathroom cleaners, carpet shampoos, and rust removers [4].

Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution

When selecting a cleaning solution, it is important to take into consideration the specific needs of the item being cleaned. Different materials and surfaces require different types of cleaners to be properly cared for. For example, glass requires a milder solution than stone or granite surfaces.

Additionally, some solutions may be too harsh on delicate fabrics such as leather or velvet.

To ensure that you choose the right cleaner for your project, research the material and determine what type of cleaner is best suited for it. Many manufacturers will list recommended cleaning agents for their products.

If not specified by the manufacturer, consult with a professional who specializes in cleaning services to get advice on what product will work most effectively on your surface or item.

Also, consider environmental factors when choosing a cleaning product. Many traditional cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be hazardous to human health and the environment. Look for non-toxic, biodegradable products whenever possible. These products are typically just as effective but without the potential harm associated with some chemical cleaners.

Finally, consider your budget in selecting a cleaner. There are many effective cleaning solutions available at varying price points, so you should be able to find something within your price range that will work for your specific needs.

Tips For Cleaning With Your Chosen Solution for ultrasonic cleaners

When you have identified the right cleaner for your project, it’s important to use it safely and effectively. Here are some tips to remember when using ultrasonic cleaners:

  • Wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses to prevent any contact with the cleaning solution.
  • Make sure that the item being cleaned is thoroughly rinsed after being exposed to the cleaner.
  • Follow directions for the application of the cleaning solution as indicated by the manufacturer.
  • When using an ultrasonic cleaner, make sure that it is used in a well-ventilated area.

If possible, clean items outdoors or in areas without carpets or furniture to avoid staining.

With a bit of research and care, you can easily clean items safely and effectively with the right cleaner. By taking the time to choose the appropriate cleaning solution, you’ll be able to enjoy sparkling surfaces for years to come.

Key Benefits of Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner

An ultrasonic cleaner is an affordable, reliable, and user-friendly way of cleaning items that are otherwise difficult to clean. It is also known as a sonic bath because it uses high-frequency sound waves to create cavitation bubbles which agitate the surface causing abrasive particles to be removed. Ultrasonic cleaning offers several benefits such as:

  1. Quick & Effective Cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning can reduce the time taken for any kind of cleaning process significantly. This makes ultrasonic cleaners ideal for use in busy settings such as commercial kitchens, restaurants, and hospitality establishments. Due to its ability to reach tiny crevices and cracks, it can effectively remove dirt, grease, and grime even from complex objects with intricate details.
  2. Non-toxic and Eco-Friendly: Ultrasonic cleaning is non-toxic as it uses only small amounts of water, detergent solution, and ultrasonic waves to clean. This makes it a safer choice compared to other cleaning methods that may involve the use of harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbing tools. Moreover, since this method does not require any hazardous waste products, it helps maintain an eco-friendly environment.
  3. Cost Effective: Using an ultrasonic cleaner can be cost-effective in the long run since you don’t need to replace parts due to wear and tear from abrasion caused by traditional cleaning methods. Additionally, you will save time by eliminating pre-cleaning steps such as soaking and scrubbing.
  4. Enhanced Performance: After an ultrasonic cleaning, your items will be restored to its original condition, allowing for optimal performance and longevity. Additionally, it can help reduce the chances of malfunction due to dirt or grime buildup on critical components.
  5. Versatility: Ultrasonic cleaners are extremely versatile and can be used to clean a wide range of different materials ranging from glassware to jewelry and firearms. This makes them a great tool for businesses that need to clean multiple items in various industries.

Overall, using an ultrasonic cleaner is the best way to ensure your items are cleaned thoroughly and quickly without any hassle or mess! It is a cost-effective and eco-friendly method that offers many benefits that cannot be achieved with traditional cleaning methods. We highly recommend investing in an ultrasonic cleaner for all your cleaning needs [5]!


What solution is best for ultrasonic cleaners?

The best solution for ultrasonic cleaners depends on the type of cleaning job. Generally, a mild detergent with warm water is suitable for most jobs. For tougher cleaning tasks, a concentrated mixture of detergents and solvents specifically designed for ultrasonic cleaners may be necessary. If a specific material requires more specialized cleaning, there are solutions available that can remove stubborn dirt and debris without damaging the surface. It’s always important to read the instructions before using any solution in an ultrasonic cleaner to ensure proper use and prevent damage to the device or the item being cleaned.

Additionally, it’s advisable to consult with an expert if you have any questions about choosing a cleaning solution.

What liquid is used for ultrasonic cleaning?

The most common liquids used in ultrasonic cleaning are water-based solutions. These can range from plain tap water to specialized mixtures of detergents and solvents designed for use in ultrasonic cleaners.

What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (5)

Additionally, some materials may require the use of a specific cleaning solution, such as an alcohol or petroleum-based solvent. It’s important to read the instructions carefully before using any liquid solution and consult with an expert if you have any questions about choosing the right liquid for your application.

How do I know when my items are clean?

When using an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s best to visually inspect the item being cleaned to ascertain its cleanliness. If dirt or debris remains after a cycle is completed, the item should be re-submerged until all traces of dirt and debris are removed. Additionally, it’s important to clean items promptly as leaving them submerged for too long can cause them to become damaged or discolored. If you have any doubts about whether an item is clean, it’s best to consult with an expert who can advise you on the proper cleaning procedure.

What safety precautions should I take when using an ultrasonic cleaner?

When using an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s important to take the proper safety precautions. Make sure that all hoses and cords are securely connected and not exposed to water or other liquids.

Wear protective gloves and eye protection when handling chemicals or solutions and ensure that they are stored in a cool, dry place. Additionally, when cleaning items with an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s important to read the instructions carefully before starting and following the recommended cycle times. Finally, make sure the device is turned off and unplugged after each use.

Can I use an ultrasonic cleaner for jewelry?

Yes, ultrasonic cleaners can be used for jewelry cleaning as long as you take the proper precautions. Make sure to consult with a professional before using any solution on your jewelry to ensure that it won’t damage the item. Additionally, never clean gemstones or silver with an ultrasonic cleaner as these materials may become damaged from exposure to high-frequency vibrations. Finally, make sure to remove any clasps or chains from the jewelry submerging it in the solution.

Are ultrasonic cleaners safe for use on delicate items?

Yes, ultrasonic cleaners are generally safe for use on most delicate items as long as the instructions are followed carefully and the appropriate cleaning solutions are used. However, if you have any doubts about whether an item is suitable for cleaning with an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s best to consult with a professional who can advise you on the proper procedure.

Additionally, never use an ultrasonic cleaner on fragile items such as silk and lace fabrics or antique porcelain as they may become damaged by exposure to the high-frequency vibrations produced by the device.

Can I make my own ultrasonic cleaning solution?

Yes, you can make your own ultrasonic cleaning solution. Generally, it’s best to use a mixture of water and detergent that is specifically designed for use in an ultrasonic cleaner. You may also want to add a few drops of white vinegar or rubbing alcohol to the mix as these are known to help remove stubborn dirt and debris.

However, it’s important to read the instructions carefully before making any solution and only use solutions that have been approved by the manufacturer of your device. Additionally, if you have any doubts or questions about choosing a cleaning solution, it’s best to consult with an expert who can advise you on the proper procedure.

Useful Video: ULTIMATE TIPS For Using An Ultrasonic Cleaner

Conclusion Paragraph

In conclusion, it is important to choose the right liquid for an ultrasonic cleaner. If a harsh, caustic chemical such as bleach is used in the cleaner, it can damage delicate items and even corrode metal parts. Therefore, water-based detergent solutions or specialized cleaning agents designed specifically for ultrasonic cleaners are recommended for use.

Additionally, heated solutions can also help to improve cleaning results by reducing surface tension and providing additional agitation of particles on the item’s surface. Using the proper liquid will ensure that your ultrasonic cleaner works properly and efficiently without causing any damage to delicate items or metal parts.


  1. https://www.upcorp.com/blog/what-can-you-clean-with-an-ultrasonic-cleaner/
  2. https://tangibleday.com/how-does-an-ultrasonic-cleaner-work-best-practice-and-use/
  3. https://www.expondo.co.uk/inspirations/which-fluid-should-you-choose-for-an-ultrasonic-cleaner/
  4. https://sonicsoak.com/blogs/articles/what-solution-should-i-use-with-my-ultrasonic-cleaner
  5. https://www.build-review.com/the-main-benefits-of-using-ultrasonic-cleaning-products/
What Liquid to Use in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? - CleanerProfy (2024)


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